Exams are over!
Wow! It kept me busy for so long, I even forgot I had a blog. Well, of course I knew I had a blog but I never had the time to update it so I guess I should apologize to the non-existent readers for that. Anyway, just dropping by to reflect on how my mentality has changed over this period I have vanished. But before that, I just want to declare this "Yay!" feeling that I have about the exams being over. So I guess I am sort of happy about that. If you have come here as a result of watching my YouTube videos, I realize how I expressed at some point that I thought the world was just an illusion. I didn't explain it very clear there but I have a good reason for not being able to... and that is, I didn't know why I thought the world was as illusion. Perhaps just re-telling the same thing someone else told. One can only speculate. However, ever since, I have been on a quest to find out why. First of all, I had to realize the purpose of life. I decided that the purpose of li...