
Well, the last few days, running up to my birthday, have been a blur. I’ve been appointed as the new secretary of the Visual Arts Society. Have been going out more frequent than usual and amount of time I’ve been spending in the library has been less than I’ve been expecting to. Last Thursday and Friday were especially crap coz we had lectures all day. Week earlier was Bath Winter Wonderland so the Thursday and Friday lectures of that week got cancelled. Therefore, we had to work extra hard this week to catch up with the course content. Still haven’t started to bother looking for an accommodation but don’t have any driving energy to make me start looking for one. Watched “Slumdog Millionaire” yesterday. It was a brilliant movie. A soundtrack was especially pleasant to the ears namely “Paper Planes” by Mia.  The day was short and it was time for Valentines Comeplay. Eep. The details I don’t think I will forget so I will keep it to myself.

Feel like drawing. I think I will go do that. Can’t believe I kept this one short. But it pretty much sums up the last few weeks of my life.

Ps. Feel blinded.


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