Just Blogging....

Okay... furious... no.. angry... or am I? I don't know... confused? Thats probably it. I don't know what I am confused about. It was all going so well... but why did it all have to just stoop just like that... What was the cause? Please!! Someone help me figure this out... I can't even think that was... maybe its coz my head's itchy coz I haven't had shower for a while... I do feel I really need a haircut... as it just gets worse by the day... Man... can't help but mention this song playing in the background... Here (In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye....

And there I go, I'm watching it again... its a great song... but I used to have different views about it before I watched the video... its really the video that makes a song great or not coz it tells you what the meaning is behind the song... and the artist is pretty much just confirming it in the video... Well, thats my view anyway... Both yesterday and today were quite crap because I didn't get what I wanted out of them... First, that eye turns out to be too big... and today, the right side of the face is messed up.... can't wait till tomorrow so I can sort it out... oh my god... why don't people just leave me along when I've requested them to. Why do they have to try and know everything, even matters that don't concern them... that caused the majority of disruption today and I hope they all die tonight so I have no one to cause any disruption tomorrow. Seriously, they should all get a life and let me carry on with what I'm doing. I guess I should put the blame on others too much. Guess its my fault too... Guess I need a break... But why do I? I enjoy it... I enjoy the whole thing... it brightens up my day... makes life worth living.. as I was saying to Jo earlier, grief channeling through my body to the canvas forming the colours of the rainbow, fears turning black, guilts turning white... What is it that I need? One thing's for sure.. its not what "you" think I need... Have had enough of that... Well I feel really sleepy so will you just let me go to sleep already? Bye.


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