Music Video Review

Okay... me posting these videos all the time makes my blog seem like a Music Video reviewing site but its just a blog lol. But I have another song that really touched my heart and here it is.

I really love this song... I didn't quite when I first heard it but I just grew into it... probably coz I heard Kelly singing it... She had a really sweet voice. If you're wondering what this song is called then it is "Travellin' Soldier" by "Dixie Chicks". Funny how I thought this band was another Sugababes alike band... turns out its not and they are 1000 times better. The lyrics is more amazing than anything else. I mean its just a simple two people falling in love with each other thing and the guy dies at the end.. but there is this little extra.. and that makes it the extraordinary song that it is. Anyway, lets talk about what I've been upto. I've finally finished my Cities project final piece. Well, I like to believe so anyway.. And I really need to get more work done as the deadline is this Friday as well as the exam. I don't know how I am going to manage that but lets pray to god that I will. Not much to say really but for some reason, I am losing the motivation again to work and I am always building appetite for food. I think I will skip that P.E. thing again today and do some more work. Don't care if there's a match or not. I need to attend that revision class anyway. Thats about it really. Not much going on, and not much to say... so peace out.


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