Running Away...

Woah that was some weird dream... don't know what I was running from but it was definitely something... I was carrying some sort of tile and I was running with it under my arms. I was about to go down the elevator but it close and I had to take the stairs downstairs which was a one person stairs, meaning only one person could go down the stairs at a time. Don't ask me how coz it was just a dream. And well.. I managed to escape from whatever was chasing me... I even know why the thing was chasing me... If he managed to retrieve the tile, he would swing it at me and kill me... although it started when I swung the tile at him in the first place and barely missed him... he swung it back at me and I took hold of the tile and started running... I think the dream is a result of me watching the preview of Hannibal the Cannibal last night... it was pretty weird... how can anyone eat another person... its just inhumane.... but then again, so are most things in the world. Anyway, snapping back to reality, started working again yesterday... it was pretty weird because first I was late and second, manager wants to strike a deal with me asking me to meet halfway with what they want and what I really need until my exams are over. So I agreed to working on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays but I'd get short shifts. It sounded alright because I just can't work for too long.. Got work at 9 all the way till 3... hope I will live through it... Next week though, I'll be working 3 days... Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 5-8, 5-9 and 5-10. And oh my god, I felt god at work yesterday when I forgot to bring my folder along with me to work over the long weekend because of the exam next week... and I was really hoping that something would happen that would help me retrieve my folder and get to work on time... or something similar and it happened! I ran back to school when I saw the train was due for 22 past... ran like a dog, borrowed Bikrant's phone to call my mom to pick me up at the train station and ran back to the station and all that took me 10 minutes and that was when I wished I didn't run because I was out of breath and there was still 15 minutes more to wait!!! But anyway, after the train arrived, we, me and Godwin, just managed to find a seat because it was packed... probably because the train was delayed for several hours. After getting to Ashford, my mom drove past all those roadworks that were happening and finally brought us home.... and ran about the house , got my stuff together for work and she drove me to my workplace. That was when I wished I had asked her to bring my work clothes coz I could have just changed and gone off to work. I got to work 10 minutes late but the manager seemed to understand without any explanation why I was late.... and then I just worked after those negotiations. Got home at 8... apparently Dad had been offered a new job... where he would only have to work 37 hours a week rather than 60 that he currently works and he'd still get paid nearly just as much. We had our meal, after which I did the usual deviantart stuff and went to sleep after a shower... Omg I have to get ready for work in the next 10 minutes but first, just to let you know, I'm quite happy with the completed version of Jo's painting... she doesn't know about it yet and I'm so excited to show her... hope I can talk to her tonight. I also need to get some art equipment after work... so hope I remember coz the shops are going to be close tomorrow and the day after. Well this is it for today... as you can see, it was a very busy day... in a strange way.... I felt quite confident when dealing with all those situations... which I am pleased about... okay really gotta shoot off now so alligator!


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